
Why can't all boys dress like this?

All photos from The Sartorialist.

The world would be a much better place, dontcha thing? I think I'm going to shoot someone if I see another guy wearing Nike Shox, Ed Hardy shirts/hats, The North Face jackets, or baggy jeans down to their knees. Ugh. Don't even get me started.




Haha. I'd laugh if all the guys started to dress like that. 1) Cause it'd be a miraculous sight. 2) The semi-tight layers are not working for me. But I do really like the whole leather jacket thing going on. The last guy appeals to me just cause I love smart looking guys. But hoodies under leather jackets look good too. :]

I ROFL'd @ your rant on the guys in Nike Shox and shiz cause it's so true. I was just thinking about that yesterday.


I like the first guy. The whole hoodie over a cardigan thing is what got me. Haha.

I think I'd laugh too, especially if it were the guys at school. That'll be the day...

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