
Michael Angarano♥

I'm sure this post is going to get a lot of people thinking "Who the hell is Michael Angarano?!". I blogged about this way back when I first found out they were filming New Moon in Vancouver. In case you've forgotten let me refresh your memory. Michael Angarano is an actor. Search him up on IMDB for his filmorgraphy. Anyways, I use to have a major crush on this kid when I first watched the Disney movie "Sky High". This was ongoing up until like last year. I found out he had a girlfriend and he started to grow facial hair which makes him look gross. When I found out he was coming to Vancouver, the little obsessed girl in me from a year ago got all excited.

So Michael was spotted in Vancouver this past weekend to (unfortunately) visit his girlfriend Kristen Stewart.

Aww they're wearing matching leather jackets and holding hands. Give me a moment while I throw up.

I've been eyeing the first 2 pics and can't figure out where the heck it was taken. I'm pretty sure the 3rd one was taken near The Keg, the street across Joe Fortes. Looks like Nikki Reed has a case of being the third wheel. I would have loved to be there and meet them but to tell you the truth, Michael looks very unapproachable. I'd probaly end up just staring as they walked by. And this being 1/3 a fashion blog I can't help but comment on their choice of clothing. This (3rd pic) ladies and gentlemen is NOT how to wear a leather/motorcycle jacket. This is also NOT how you cuff your jeans. Sure I'd expect that from KStew but I thought Nikki would have more style than that. They should invest in some new (nicer) shoes too. Michael's outfit has potential. The jeans need to be tighter, the jacket more fitted, maybe throw on a vest or cardigan? Shaving wouldn't hurt either. Overall the outfits had potential. They just weren't executed properly. =)



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