

So this next post was written by the lovely Eden from the blog 'With a Chance of Eden'. Check it out here. Enjoy!

I love you Nicholas, but what were you thinking when you got up this morning? Was it just 'hoo hah, I feel like looking like a dwarf today', because honestly, that outfit is not doing anything for you. If your stylist suggested it, fire her. If she saw you leave all clad in that goofy getup, fire her for not stopping you. I don't feel the need to go into detail about your hideously tight 'New York Soul' shirt or your .. what are those? Jeans? Because it would take me forever. And don't worry, I won't tell my mother that you stole her nurses shoes either. I think she'd get mad.

And then you go and top a hideous outfit with the New York Yankee's hat? Are you even from New York? If anything you should be wearing shirts that have Sporting logo's from New Jersey or Texas. Anyways, enough of your hideous outfit. Let's move on to Miley. What she's wearing is okay for the most part. She's playing it a bit Southern girl safe. She could be a bit more risky with her style. And I really must say that I do not like the boots. They'd be nicer if they weren't round and the top and if they weren't flat.

Now, your purpose for hanging out in public together is ... what? You guys are asking for it. Now little 'Niley' teenies are going to go crazy because of what you guys did and I'm not sure that any of you are in any suitable condition to drive. Is it even legal to be a sixteen year old driver and not have a legal 25+ driver in the car with you? Wow. Disney stars are slipping through the law now, huh? Absolutely pathetic. What're you guys going to do? Bribe the officers with your autographs? You don't own the world kiddies. And that ... was the last note. My mothers calling. She wants to know where her work shoes went. : )

Note from insanelyepic: That was hilarious! I couldn't have put it better myself. One thing though... I like Miley's shoes! Haha. Thanks again! :)



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