

Oh boy.

How NOT to wear a jumpsuit.

How to wear a jumpsuit.

I'm down with the jumpsuit trend. If worn correctly, I think it looks rather cute. I don't like that particular one on Debby so much. I'm sure Jane could rock it though. Although, I don't think I could pull one off myself. I was thinking of trying a Maxi Dress instead. Old Navy has some nice, affordable ones. Getting it hemmed is going to be a bitch though. I hate being short sometimes.

I'm going to go to bed now...Dream happy dreams about Pelayo Diaz and whatnot. Haha.

One last thing. I just realized that blogger had spell check. I accidentally stumbled over it and was like WTF. That would have saved me a lot of time in the past. I can be such a ditz sometimes..

-G'night, xox.



Ew @ Debby Ryan.

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