
[insert something clever here]

I found this picture on OceanUp and I think it's from the same photo shoot from the pictures I posted a while ago. I love this whole editorial! Everything down to the wardrobe choices to the background is awesome. I wonder what magazine she did it for? If anyone knows, let me know.

Apparently it's Emma's 19th birthday today so happy birthday!

On to a more negative note. Sorry for the lame post title. I feel like my posts lately have just been endless amounts of me bashing celebrities. If not bashing celebrities, I'm criticizing other random people. When I first made this blog I had no intention of becoming a mini Perez Hilton. Although...I wouldn't mind all the success he's had. Although it might be hard, I'm going to try to lay off the celebrity bashing for a while. I don't know how long that's going to last but I'll give it a try.

*I haven't gotten any hits since I reached 200. I guess that means I won't be expecting another massive amount of visitors anytime soon. I knew it was too good to be true. :)



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