
It Happens Everytime

Baby Down on Dream Street Getting tired of all the 90's (and early 2000's) music flash back posts? You better get use to it because I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Remember Dream Street? I wasn't a huge fan of them..actually this is the only song that I know of. Regardless, I had a huge huge huge crush on Chris Trousdale. I can't recall if it was his organge tan, frosted tips, or spikey gelled hair that attracted me to him. Ha! Oh and how cute is JMac? He almost looks exactly the same as he does today. Speaking of JMac...As you may or may not know, Jesse has joined the cast of Greek (Currently my favorite TV show!). I was skeptical at first but he's not that bad. New episode on tonight. Sucks that I have yto watch it online since Canada does have ABC. I can't wait!

Seriously...This show is insanely good. Full of hot guys (haha) *cough* Scott Michael Foster *cough*, plus it's really funny too! Check it out if you already haven't. It'll make you want to join a sorority/fraternity for sure!






No way. Did anybody ever tell you guys that I was insanely obsessed with them for about a year? I know like every Dream Street song by heart and I can nitpick each boy's original voices. I used to have all their birthdays and bio's memorized too. xD My favourite was the other little blonde runt, Matt Ballinger.

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