
81st Academy Awards!

I know it's late and I should be in bed (which I'll probably pay for tomorrow, i.e. falling asleep in class) but I just had to take a minute to talk about the Oscars. How great were the Oscars? I loved it! Much better than last years. Everyone one looked great which the expection of few (Ahem, Mickey Rourke). Just a few points I though I should cover.

  • SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE FTW!...Totally surprised at how they won practically every award. Congrats to all of them!
  • Robert Pattinson actually looked good tonight. He looked a lot different than his usual drunken self. Resembled more of Edward Cullen for once rather than an alcoholic. He cleans up well when he takes a shower and puts on a suit. Shocker!
  • Zanessa=L-O-V-E! My favorite couple in the world looked stunning. I do admit it was a bit random that they were there but whatever. Zac looked great and Vanessa was gorgeous as usual. Her Marchesa dress was so-so but its starting to grow on me as I see it more and more. I don't care what anyone says, I love her. The performance was great too. Even if they only sang for like 10 seconds.
  • WTF was Miley Cyrus doing there? I mean come on! She wasn't even performing or presenting. I did like her dress though. I shouldn't complain. At least the Jonas Brothers weren't there. I'd have a hissy fit if they were. Actually they were on the Barbara Walters special after. Ugh.

I'm gonna go crash now. More coverage tomorrow!



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