
WTF! >:(

WTF! WHY? WHY? WHY? COULDN'T YOU PICK SOMEONE ACTUALLY WORTH BEING ON THE COVER? OMFG. Sorry for the caps. As you may know (or not) I HATE HATE HATE Kristen Stewart. I have a burning hatred for her. You don't even understand. There are numerous reasons why I hate her butI'll talk about that another day. Here she is pictured on the fricken cover of Seventeen Spain. Thank god it isn't Seventeen USA. I would be really pissed if it was. Little known fact: I've purchased every issue of Seventeen Magazine since August 2007 when Lauren Conrad was on the cover. I still have every single copy and they're all in tact. I was really pissed when she got Teen Vogue. Why do people keep putting her on the covers of their magazines? Now I don't want to swear on here just incase my parents see but...

Fuck you Kristen Stewart.



Omg i completely agree with you. I HATE HER WITH ALL MY SOUL! I didnt even buy the magazine cuz shes on the cover. And ppl say its jealousy but its not Robert is ugly really really ugly I used to be a twilight fan but she completely ruined it for me.

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