
I WANT THESE!// 3 Post of the day. Wow!

I want want want these. Early birthday gift anyone?

I know I'm late on the whole MJ t-shirt craze but I really want one. Badly. Almost $100(on ebay) for a t-shirt? No thanks. It makes the "RIP YSL" shirt at $40 seem like nothing.

I also want one of these. But I plan to just make one myself. Sorry Brian Litchenberg, it's not my fault your shirts are so expensive. Rip YSL.

Ever since seeing numerous amounts of people work wonders with AA's Circle Scarf I'm convinced it is so versitile that I just have to have one. But I just can't justify paying $40-ish on a long piece of fabric sewed together at the ends..Even if it is a scarf, halter top, tube dress, caplet, skirt, and drop crotch pants all in one.....

Now I must go study for my math midterm tomorrow. Bleh.



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